湯圓粉糰 Glutinous Rice Ball Dough

材料 Ingredients
糯米粉 Glutinous Rice Flour1 磅 lb (450g)
滾水 Boiling water 1 杯 cup
冷水 Water 2/3 杯 cup
食用油 Cooking oil 1 大匙 Tbs

將糯米粉裝進盆裡。倒進1杯熱水,用筷子攪拌。加入1大匙油,然後慢慢加入剩下的 2/3 杯水一直揉到粉團變得光滑不黏手。水不一定要用完。粉團蓋上保潔膜保濕。

Place the glutinous flour in a mixing bowl. Pour in a cup of boiling water. Mix the water with the flour with chopsticks. Add 1 tbs of oil. Gradually add the 2/3 cup of water and knead the dough until smooth. It is not necessary to use up all the water. Cover the dough with a piece of plastic food wrap.

最後更新 (Last Update): 07/27/2013
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